A healthy lawn creates a place that is safe for family while providing a sense of pride amongst the community. Having a green lawn around you will reduce stress and improve your well-being. A maintained lawn can reduce pollen, pollution, and dust around your property. Achieve a healthy lawn and avoid unsightly weeds with one of our Lawn Care programs!
Grubs feed on your lawn roots causing brown, matted, and dead areas. Grubs provide a food source for predators such as skunks, moles and voles which dig and tunnel through the infested area. Grubs and their predators will create permanent damage to your lawn. We can create a protective barrier against grubs with our Preventative Grub Control Application.
Moles are small, burrowing mammals that spend most of their lives underground. Their activity can have distinct effects on the surface of lawns and gardens. Voles are small rodents that are often mistaken for mice or rats. They are herbivores and can cause damage to lawns, gardens, and ornamental plants. We can bait Moles and Voles to assist in the reduction, and even elimination, of these damaging pests.